Gain regularity in 2 steps

Step 1: Official online training

The second pillar, the central foundation of our discipline, is in fact the characteristics that take up all the throwing techniques in Pétanque, detailing precisely, and experimenting on the field, each gesture to be carried out with a certain method, breathing, position in the circle, anchoring, stabilization of the postural base, ball gripping, head carriage, eye direction, eye focus, visualization of the gesture, misalignment, rhythm and amplitude of the swing, balancing the bust with the opposite or stabilizing arm, body weight transfer, progressive unwinding of the wrist, high hand exit through the fingertips, sensations, self-confidence. To achieve greater stability when releasing the ball.
The technical aspects of the stitch ( rolled, slid, half-span, high-span, effect stitches, slitting) and the various shooting techniques ( long and short rafle, front shot, iron shot) are analyzed in depth.

All these parameters are detailed and filmed in high definition from 3 angles, giving you a 360° view of every move you make. An exclusive immersion into the world of Pétanque!

And the last module, one of the most important pillars in Pétanque, since it represents 80% of the result on the quality of our game! To this day, it's still little used in the world of boules, yet it's become a major factor in balancing mental strength on the courts! Naturally, I'd like to promote my own Mental Preparation.

A powerful and formidable module on the pitch, when properly attached! It's what separates good players from master players! But what is Mental Preparation? Quite simply, it's the application ofpowerful tools such as motivation, goal-setting and performance routines that you can use at any time! Mental Preparation enables you to perform even when you're down and out! It's always easier to shoot a ball when you're leading 10-0 than when you're in the opposite situation, and that's where good mental preparation comes into its own.

It's when things get tough that you have to keep at it, and keep all these powerful , effective tools at your disposal , validated by all top-level athletes!

This module gives you the keys to maintaining a balanced, high-performance mind for the long term!

Now that I've given you all the details of this extremely comprehensive advanced training program, I invite you to click on the course just below, to discover the presentation video, and all the themes and modules analyzed.

Welcome to Petanque Academy!

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