Official Petanque Academy Online Training (English subtitles)

About Course

Welcome to your new Training Program! This unique Program has the main objective of providing you with all the necessary Resources to take you to a much higher level, and to bring you to the Best of your Possibilities, refining your Culture of Results, to achieve Regularity, 80 % of Success see +, if your Motivation is well Stabilized! This is the Promise I make to you! You are Ready!
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Course Curriculum

Module 1: The Fundamentals
The Origins of Pétanque, The Rules, The Equipment, Breathing, The Choice of Boules, Holding a Boule, are the Central Bases, analyzed in this module! Enriched with many useful details to keep in mind. Moreover, for some, a little reminder is always good to take!

  • Equipment and basic rules
  • The History of Pétanque
  • Breathing
  • The Choice of Balls
  • The Ball Hold

Module 2: Physical Preparation
“Only the Best Prepared will go to the end of a long Competition!” Nutrition, Warm-up Routines, Upper and Lower Body Muscle Strengthening, Mobility, Stretching. Pétanque uses the Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Back, Legs, and the entire abdominal belt at the same time! The secret is to prepare well physically before a session or a Competition! And above all at your own pace!

Module 3: Posture
Initiation into action, position in the circle, misalignment, The Gaze Focus, The Transfer of body weight, are an integral part, of these parameters to stabilize around your Posture! Do you want to discover and feel new subtleties, these effects on your gestures? This Major module provides you with many details, useful to develop, to obtain a better % of success on the pitch!

Module 4: Gestures
Le Mouvement du Bras Lanceur, Le Rythme du Balancier, Le Déroulé progressif du Poignet, La Sortie de Main, Le Lâcher Tardif, La Recherche de la Courbe Idéale, sont les thématiques analysées dans ce module. Pour une meilleure Synchronisation de toute votre Gestuelle !

Module 5: The Point
Analysis of the pitch, Throwing the goal, Choice of data, Roll and slide point, Half carry, High carry, Ideal start zone, Spin, Cut or half Suddenly, compose this module, and are the Technical Know-how and Evolution Processes of the true Pointer!

Module 6: Shooting
Crouching Shooting, Long and Short Rafle, Front Shooting, Iron Shooting, are the different techniques analyzed in this module. All the major parameters combined, to successfully shoot, in Regularity!

Module 7: Mental Preparation
Motivation, Goal Setting, Performance Routines, Mental Imagery, Internal Discourse, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Assertion, Stress and Emotion Management, Concentration, are the tools at the service of Sports Performance, towards Autonomy Total!

Conclusion of the Training

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Encore aucun avis !
This training is rich and diverse, you have access to more than 50 videos. Scalable, focused on the entire range of pétanque, whether for players new to pétanque or experienced players. The main objective of this training is to increase your regularity, and to support you throughout these modules.
  1. Structured around these 7 Modules:
  2. The fundamentals
  3. Physical Preparation
  4. Posture
  5. Body language
  6. Point
  7. The shot
  8. Mental preparation
You can watch the Presentation Video to appreciate the quality of this Training.
PS: To obtain a more detailed description of each module, you can hover the mouse over the small “i” located next to the corresponding module.
The Videos were shot in High Definition (4K), you can choose the quality that suits you best.
Additionally, the sound was picked up by a high-quality microphone. The conditions are optimal so that you can progress in the best conditions.
Your access to the Training is unlimited in time and scalable. In addition to the 50 videos already present in the Program, we will regularly enrich it with Bonus and exclusive videos.
(Interviews, Strategic Games, Game Situations, Commentary Games…)
We work with the “Stripe” service, recognized in professional payment methods, working with large groups such as Amazon, BMW, Google…
For those who wish, you can use the PayPal service, recognized for many years, as an efficient and secure means of payment for its users.
You have 2 possibilities:
  • You either have the “Connect” tab at the top right where you enter your identifiers.
  • Either, you can go directly to “My Dashboard” to log in.
If you have forgotten your password, you go to “Connect” then click on “forgotten”, you enter the email that you provided when you registered, and a link will be sent directly to your email box.
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Formateur Petanque

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